Artie Hates the IRS
Oh, boy. If there's anything that gets Artie's dander up it's having to hand money over to the government. Artie figures that his dad was right back in 1977, when he said "I figure they've got ENOUGH of my money already." And it turned out that ol' Pops Fisk was right about tomatoes, and beer, too, so Artie's gotta wonder if he wasn't shitting this time, either. Artie just got a bill for back taxes, in an amount that lesser men would cringe at. Artie doesn't have the dough, but has calmly refigured the bill for 5 Gs less than the sons of bitches at the IRS had it figured for. Now, Artie plays "Mickey the Mope," and lets the suits make the next move.
Artie ran across an old, rejected ad campaign for the IRS from the early 90s, intended to make those 20-something, slacker, "Generation X" types with the piercings and the tattoos become more prompt about their taxes. Not hard to see why it never ran. Enjoy.